Thursday, April 12, 2007

Don Imus Is A Punk-Ass Chump

Don Imus is a punk-ass chump*. If you don't know the story, because you've been living under a rock or in a cave, read it here. What business does he have using that kind of language in the first place? He wouldn't know what Ebonics was if it came up and hit him on his old wrinkly jowls.
I mean, come on! What drove him to even let those words escape past his lips? Now he's got the entire black community on his ass because he can't keep his dumb-ass comments to himself.
On a side note... I'm sorry, white people, but sometimes y'all get on my nerves! Why do you feel like 'Hip-Hop' language is something you have to infiltrate? It's not gonna happen. Ever. Unless you grew up with Eminem on 8 Mile, please, leave it to the people who speak it on a regular basis. You just sound crazy. And you're likely to be bitch slapped at some point, just like good ol' Don.
He's losing sponsors, being suspended and just losing support in general. And what's more, he's losing credibility, if he had any in the first place. From my understanding, this was a long time coming. There have been many other ill-chosen words spewing forth from his dried up mouth. It's like it gets progressively worse as the years go by because he's old and mangy and senility has set in. And all because he couldn't let something so stupid and so degrading be left unsaid.
I understand that in this society of very sensitive, politically correct, panty wipe a-holes it's almost impossible NOT to offend at least one somebody. But this is an asshead of a different color. Even in the privacy of his own conversation those words shouldn't ever be spoken, and especially not on a nationally syndicated talk radio show.
Shame on you, Don Imus, shame. If anybody is a ho' right now, it's definitely you. You've got some major ass kissing to do. Pucker up.

(*as previously stated.)

Friday, April 6, 2007

Okay guys, real short blog today. I found this on a friend's MySpace page and it's hilarious. It makes not sense except the fact that she's a Bjork fan. It's at least a five minute commitment, but it's worth it!
P.S.-Wait for the blank screen and "RING! RING!". That's the beginning. Well, I'm off home for the weekend. Happy Easter! PIZZA!

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Idiots Extravaganza!!

I just love the word "extravaganza". It makes everything sound so exciting!
Okay, I'll admit, I've been very lazy with my blog the past two weeks, but for good reason. I am trying to make a little extra income, so I've been working my ass off drawing. Yes, drawing. Not a leisurely pursuit by any means, believe me. The work of an artist is never done. I'll give you further info as this story develops in the coming weeks. By the way, this picture was too weird not to post.

But I am making up for the two weeks I've been gone--so on to the news.

Apparently, hope don't float. I tell ya, I love my home state of Michigan, but it's going down the drain. Literally. In my beautiful college city of Grand Rapids, sink holes are appearing and gobbling up poop. If you don't know what I'm talking about, take a look. They don't know where it went after that. It's just missing. It's obvious The Poop Fairy came by, so they should be receiving their quarters any minute now. Just be patient... he's got lots of stops to make! So when people call Michigan a festering cesspool, (usually transplants from the state) they're not REALLY being derogatory. Of course, Chicago is pretty clean, but we've got our problems here too.

And also...

Really, what do you do with 93 pounds of underwear? And their not even yours? I don't want to know. Read about this kook, stealing women's underwear out of laundry rooms. What I'd like to know is how they caught the guy... did someone set up a sting in a washeteria or something? Maybe he couldn't afford his own underwear, you never know. Dude. Seriously. Gross.

And finally...
Now for something completely different.

Remember the 90's? A very confusing time for us Generation "What?" kids. Especially for those of the Caucasian persuasion trying to figure out how hip-hop fit into their lives. For many, sadly, it never really did. But not for lack of trying!!
This "music video" is from Ghostwriter. No not the flaming leather-clad skull on the bike, GhostWRITER, the show about the kids solving problems, as they typically do. I highly recommend watching this, for educational purposes of course.

I found something else, too, while I was looking for that video. It's mislabeled as the same thing, but it's VERY different. Remember FoxKids Music Countdown? Well, this is the intro to that very program--and believe me, if you've never done acid, you will not feel left out at all while watching this. I suggest it with no volume, lest you like having seizures and your ears bleeding at the same time. Fox truly IS evil.

Well, I feel that I have exceeded my requirement for inane media for the last two weeks, so I hope you'll pardon me for leaving you. I promise, unless I'm out on the street selling pretty pictures for food, I will continue my search in the world for idiots.
Shouldn't be too hard.

Thursday, March 8, 2007

Great Balls Of Fire

Well, maybe not so much for this dude.
I don't think I need to say much about this story. Lately in society, we've been plagued with an abundance of Darwin Award winners who show us that even when we do something that we think is dumb, it's not NEARLY as dumb as these guys.
I cannot stand these Jackass wannabe idiots, which not even Johnny Knoxville is touting anymore, by the way. He's moved on to greener pastures, why can't these frat boy losers? Don't you have anything better to do with your time? I would rather you just sit in your lonely dorm room, pick your nose and drink yourself silly than to subjugate us to another story about how you burned your balls off. But if I only knew that you injuring your junk led you never to procreate, that would be enough for me:)

This guy didn't even get a chance to ask.

Thursday, March 1, 2007

id vid: Volume II, All Your Base

Man, I love doing this... finding stupid videos. I enjoy my research very much. I find it very rewarding. That said, it's important to remember the good times, when being stupid was all you had to do. I'm talking about college. The good old days when you made bad movies in video editing class and you would get accolaides from your classmates on just how stupid they be. One such video I found playing around on YouTube.
Does the phrase, "All your base are belong to us," mean anything to you? It should, for the better part of my college years that phrase invaded almost every conversation I had with a videogeek friend of mine. So just today, I was poking around looking for videos, and for some reason that popped into my head. I was again transported to the first time I saw it, on a computer at school, my friends huddled around. I had never laughed so hard in my life. I have since discovered other places for such examples of bad translations, like, the best place for bad English. But on the Tube, I found this video of how much "AYBABTU", as they called it, had inundated out culture. It was on the local news here in Chicago about five years ago. That's right, the news. Weird and funny, to say the least. You must watch this. Mmm... zig!

Sounds like something he'd say...

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Chinese Internet Torture

Gotta go for kind of a short blog today. I have tons to do, including working on a novel, so just a little bit of craziness before I go.
Apparently, "internet addiction" is a big deal in China, so they feel like they have to address it, naturally. Not so naturally is the way they go about it. Electro-Shock Therapy, to be exact... yeah, you read that right. What the hell? I know they're not that different from us, but really, how whacked can you be about the internet? Porn, I understand, but isn't their country really strict about the world wide web? It's being constantly monitored and filtered by the government, so all that's left is Chinese history lessons and Barney videos. What the hell are these kids so addicted to? I'd very much like to know.

You can read the full story here. And don't worry, I won't shock you if you don't.

Thursday, February 15, 2007

id vid: Volume I

Well, Kiddies,
I'm starting a new segment of this blog called : id vid. Every two weeks I will post a video (or two) that I think is worthy of an 'i ❤ idiots' award. I've seen my share of them on YouTube and MySpace and a couple other places, so I feel it is my duty to point out the very best in stupidity.
This first installment, I'm making fun of myself. Yes, I think it is imperative to be able to do so. I'm talking about my (and every child of the 80's) love affair with Reading Rainbow. It was truly a revolutionary show, what with the kids telling you what books to read instead of stinky old grown ups. And Levaar Burton? Please! Nobody could hold a candle to him. He was a golden GOD to me. Smart, genuine and never afraid to make a complete ASS of himself. Definitely not a token black guy. He won Emmys for his performance on that show, for gosh sake.

One such display of his mastery to make himself known to the world was in an episode where dancers are prominently shown, with Levaar smack in the middle of the action. It's a full on music video! And might I add-- awesome as hell! Acting, dancing, singing, and reading... The man is a quadruple threat!
You can see this color-filled spectacle, simply called "Teamwork" here. As you will see by the end of it, they have masted the English language. What's that? EWRM AOKT? Somebody needs to teach them those kick-ass dance moves AND spelling.
Also watch the end credits of this vid for 80's freeze framed dance moves and a reprise of the song that will forever be burned into your memory. Trust me, I speak from experience.

Another such "music video" called "Check It Out", isn't as spectacular, but definitely worth an honorable mention.

So, my work here is done. I'll see you next time. *Dit-dit dit!*